Picture: Phantasiewerkstatt Bogen
FR, May 6, 2022
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
At the end of the three-day workshop “Wooden Fantasy Creatures” with artists Georg Fuchssteiner and Peter Herr, the works of art created by the school children will be presented in the scope of a joint exhibition. Parents and teachers are cordially invited to the vernissage on Friday, May 6, 2022 at SCHIESSLHAUS AiR.
“Wooden Fantasy Creatures” is an art project by painter Georg Fuchssteiner and graphic artist and modeler Peter Herr with pupils of the Kollnburg Elementary School. It will take place from May 4 – May 6, 2022. The two artists are based in Bogen and Berlin. Since 2011, they have been running the PHANTASIEWERKSTATT BOGEN, where artists teach various artistic disciplines such as painting, printing, woodcutting and ceramic techniques. With art educational expertise, the two artists will introduce the role and profession of an artist to children in the third and fourth grade of elementary school. Inspired by a story, the children will make sketches, on the basis of which they create colored wooden figures. Moreover, the effect on the viewer and the interplay of colors are taught theoretically and put into practice.
The art project “Wooden Fantasy Creatures” is part of the program "Künstler in der Grundschule” of the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Culture, Science and the Arts, supported by the Government of Lower Bavaria and the Municipality of Kollnburg.
Peter Herr
geb. 1986, freischaffender Modelleur und Maler / 2003 FOS Gestaltung Straubing / 2003 -2004 Praktikum Schule der Phantasie bei Dazi Tyroller / 2004 – 2008 Ausbildung zum Modelleur und Produktdesigner an der Fachschule für Produktdesign in Selb / 2007 Auszeichnung: Danner-Preis, Preis für Kunsthandwerk / seit 2011 Phantasiewerkstatt Bogen / Galerie Goldnuß gemeinsam mit Georg Fuchssteiner
Georg Fuchssteiner
geb. 1982, freischaffender Maler und Grafiker / 1999-2003 Ausbildung zum Industriemechaniker / 2003 – 2009 Studium der freien Malerei an der AdBK bei Nikolaus Lang und Markus Oehlen / 2005 Kulturförderpreis der Stadt Straubing / 2007 – 2009 Mitarbeit bei Kultur und Spielraum München / 2008 Jubiläumsstipendium zum 200jährigen Bestehen der AdBK München / 2012 – 2013 Tätigkeit als Fachlehrer für Kunst am JTG Straubing / 2011 Diplom an der Akademie der bildenden Künste München, Auszeichnung: Senator-Bernhard-Borst Preis / 2018 Preis für Bildende Kunst der Akademie der schönen Künste Bayern / seit 2011 Phantasiewerkstatt Bogen / Galerie Goldnuß gemeinsam mit Peter Herr
Artist Residency
Burgstraße 3
94262 Kollnburg
Artistic Direction
Anna-Helena Klumpen
Katrin Savvulidi
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